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At CEGA, we believe that evidence should inform decisions about how development funding is spent.

Through competitive grant-making, we fund actionable research that can be used by policymakers to improve lives. We believe that grant competitions generate the highest-quality research, attract new talent and mobilize networks, and foster stewardship, transparency, and fairness. Below you can browse all CEGA-funded research projects—spanning dozens of topic areas and over 61 countries.

Health & PsychologyTechnologyWork & Education

Can Biometric Tracking of Attendance Reduce Health Worker Absenteeism?

Aleksandra Jakubowski | Uganda

Village Base Station (VBTS)

Kurtis Heimerl | Indonesia
Institutions & Governance

Traditional Chiefs, Climate Volatility, and Violence: Evidence from North-Central Nigeria

Catlan Reardon | Nigeria
Health & Psychology

Seasonal hunger in Zambia: Smoothing consumption through better planning

Supreet Kaur | Zambia
Institutions & GovernanceWork & Education

The Syrian Refugee Life Study

Samuel Leone | Syria
Institutions & Governance

Bribery in Tunisia

Samuel Leone | Tunisia
Health & Psychology

The Effect of Cash Transfers on Intimate Partner Violence

Rebecca Hemono | Tanzania
Institutions & Governance

Mission-driven motivation and incentives in public sector

Muhammad Yasir Khan | Pakistan
Energy & Environment

Are credit constraints limiting demand for electricity? Evidence from Rwanda

Megan Lang | Rwanda
Health & Psychology

Empowering Women to Save for their Preferred Delivery

Calvin Chiu | Zambia
Health & Psychology

Ego Depletion and Present Bias

David Zuckerman | United States of America
Health & Psychology

When and How Do Toddlers in Rural Western Kenya Understand the Representational Nature of Pictures?

Rebecca Zhu | Kenya
Health & Psychology

Projection bias in the uptake of agricultural technologies

Luisa Cefala | Burundi
Health & Psychology

Causal determinants of educational aspirations in a social network of students

Julius Rueschenpohler | Indonesia
Health & Psychology

Depressive beliefs and misperceived social norms in Kenya

Nicholas Otis | Kenya
Health & Psychology

The Opportunity Cost of Debt Aversion

Alejandro Martinez Marquina | United States of America
Health & Psychology

How Does Scarcity Guide Our Attention?

Antonia Langenhoff |
Health & Psychology

Does Financial Scarcity Cause Parents to Speak Less to their Children?

Ruthe Foushee | India
Health & Psychology

The Role of Uncertainty in Commitment Device Take-Up

Woojin Kim | United States of America
Health & Psychology

Brain Development in the Context of Poverty: Factors Predicting Cognitive Resilience

Monica Ellwood-Lowe | United States of America
Health & Psychology

As Expected, There Are Unexpected Costs

Sandy Campbell | United States of America
Health & Psychology

Poverty, Salience and Inter-temporal Decisions

Saika Belal | United States of America
Health & Psychology

Contextualizing Emotions: An Intervention to Increase Political Participation in Impoverished Populations

Melissa Baker | United States of America

The Impact of Linking Farmers’ Cooperatives with a Maize Processor in Rwanda

Jonathan Robinson | Rwanda

The Impact of Information on Counterfeit Markets in Kenya

Eric Hsu | Kenya

How Contracts, Price Premiums, and Monitoring Drive Aflasafe Adoption in Senegal

Laura Schechter | Senegal

Open Policy Analysis of a Progressive Wealth Tax

Emmanuel Saez |
Data Science for DevelopmentFinancial InclusionTechnology

Welfare-centric Credit Scoring in Nigeria

Joshua Blumenstock | Nigeria
Financial Inclusion

The Impacts of Liquidity Loans to Mobile Money Agents on Women Agents’ Empowerment, and Their Business and Transaction Behavior

Russell Toth | Myanmar
AgricultureFinancial Inclusion

Gender Norms and Agricultural Credit in Odisha

Berber Kramer | India

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