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Psychology and Economics of Poverty Convening 2019

Health & Psychology Conference   |  past event  |  May 17 2019

CEGA’s Psychology and Economics of Poverty (PEP) Collaborative hosted its second annual convening on Friday, May 17th, 2019 at UC Berkeley.

Faculty and graduate students from the disciplines of psychology and economics shared research advancing our understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty. By merging insights from the traditionally independent fields of social and developmental psychology, behavioral economics, and public policy, we aimed to explore how scarcity and uncertainty affects cognition as well as mental health, beliefs, aspirations, and economic decision-making. Building on the momentum from our inaugural event, the convening highlighted exciting new research while strengthening a growing, interdisciplinary community of practice in this space.

Download the agenda here.

Read a summary of key takeaways from the event here.


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Slides: Access-Based Beliefs - Vinayak Alladi (PEP 2019)

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Slides: Does Poverty Lower Productivity? - Supreet Kaur (PEP 2019)

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Slides: The "Word Gap" and Resource Scarcity - Monica Ellwood-Lowe (PEP 2019)

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Slides: Seasonal Scarcity and Exchange Asymmetries - Kelsey Jack (PEP 2019)

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Health & Psychology

Slides: Economic Shocks and Personality Traits of the Ultra Poor - Shikhar Mehra (PEP 2019)

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Health & Psychology

Slides: Paternalistic Aid vs Agentic Aid - Juliana Schroeder (PEP 2019)

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Health & Psychology

Slides: Can Hope Elevate Microfinance? - Bruce Wydick (PEP 2019)

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Health & Psychology

Slides: How Robust are Scarcity Inductions? - Ruthe Foushee (PEP 2019)

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