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February 2020 Impact Note

CEGA Newsletters

CEGA Photo Drive 2019


January 2020 Impact Note

CEGA Newsletters
Work & Education

Can soft skills be taught?

Blog Posts

Applying to the EASST Fellowship

Blog Posts

CEGA 2019 Annual Report

Work & Education

Training the Next Generation of the “Experimental Movement”

Blog Posts

December 2019 Impact Note

CEGA Newsletters
Health & Psychology

Roundup from E2A 2019: Innovations in Health Data and Measurement

Blog Posts
Financial Inclusion

Universal Basic Income: An Old Idea Raises New Questions

Blog Posts
Institutions & Governance

It Takes a Village: what the Nobel prize means for development economics

Blog Posts

November 2019 Impact Note

CEGA Newsletters
Work & Education

Supporting African Scholars in the Social Sciences

Blog Posts

October 2019 Impact Note

CEGA Newsletters
Financial Inclusion

DCO Quarterly Newsletter: October 2019

Health & Psychology

Psychology and Economics of Poverty (PEP) Seed Funding


2019 BRAC-CEGA Travel Grants


September 2019 Impact Note

CEGA Newsletters

August 2019 Impact Note

CEGA Newsletters
Health & Psychology

Marcella Alsan cited at event on diversity in medicine | Stanford Medicine

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Health & Psychology

Daniel Bennett studies drug prices and quality in India | UCLA Anderson Review

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Energy & Environment

Jen Burney on how climate change could threaten your cuppa | EOS

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