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Effective public service delivery, citizen participation, and fair and transparent systems of governance are the building blocks of social and economic development.

CEGA Work Sector - Institutions & Governance


Our portfolio of research on Institutions and Governance aims to both improve the performance of governments, and expand citizen participation in public decision-making. Increasingly, both public sector and community-based institutions are experimenting with strategies for reform, creating exciting opportunities for researchers to document what works and what doesn’t. Our portfolio includes studies of reforms designed to reduce corruption, inform and engage voters, and hold politicians accountable for their commitments. Often these strategies leverage advances in information technology to monitor public sector performance and provide information to citizens. We also draw on techniques from behavioral science to design tools for recruiting and incentivizing public servants and politicians. Our studies generate insights from household surveys, administrative data, and new digital data streams, often working in countries where data are scarce, think tanks are overwhelmed, and public sector accountability is limited. Ultimately, we aim to provide stakeholders with the evidence needed to effect positive change, while contributing to a broader understanding of the role of governance and institutions in promoting human development.

  • Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
  • Oxford Policy Management
  • Paris School of Economics
  • University of Namur, and Aide à la Décision Economique
Scientific Directors


Conflict & Security

Launched in 2022, CEGA's Conflict and Security initiatives explores questions related to how countries achieve peace, stability, and security after conflict. These questions are relevant to countries around the world and have direct implications for citizens’ social and economic...

Economic Development and Institutions

The Economic Development & Institutions (EDI) program builds the evidence base needed for inclusive, sustainable economic growth across the low- and middle-income countries. A core component of EDI is a portfolio of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that test key institutional reforms, in partnership with governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin...

Forced Displacement

More rigorous research on the drivers and returns of forced displacement will help inform the effective allocation of resources, as well as key program and policy...

Security Programs in Disordered States

This initiative, led by a global consortium of scholars, seeks to explore and understand the multi-actor networks of security provision that are rapidly evolving in disordered states. This project will examine the profound impacts these networks have on local and global security landscapes and the broader international...

Institutions & Governance Research

Institutions & Governance

Institutional reform and de facto women's rights

Erica Field | Pakistan
Institutions & GovernanceWork & Education

Engaging Citizens to Address Company-Community Conflict in Mines

Graeme Blair | South Africa
Institutions & Governance

Politician Entry, Selection, and Performance in Sierra Leone

Katherine Casey | Sierra Leone
Institutions & Governance

The Political Economy and Governance of Rural Electrification

Catherine Wolfram | Kenya
Institutions & Governance

Who's Bogus? Catching Fraudulent Firms in Delhi

Aprajit Mahajan | India
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Institutions & Governance Resources

Data Science for DevelopmentInstitutions & Governance

Enabling Humanitarian Applications with Targeted Differential Privacy

Working Paper   |   Institutions & Governance
Institutions & Governance

The Electoral Consequences of Mass Religious Events: India’s Kumbh Mela

Working Paper   |   Institutions & Governance
Gender and AgencyHealth & PsychologyInstitutions & Governance

Impact of Facilitating Integration in Migrant's Fertility Decisions

Working Paper   |   Health & Psychology
Institutions & Governance

Results Summary: Longitudinal insights from the Syrian Refugee Life Study

Reports & Policy Briefs   |   Institutions & Governance
Institutions & Governance

Donor Contracting Conditions and Public Procurement: Causal Evidence from Kenyan Electrification

Working Paper   |   Institutions & Governance
Institutions & Governance

Measuring Religion from Behavior: Climate Shocks and Religious Adherence in Afghanistan

Institutions & Governance
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