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Research by affiliate Marshall Burke on how climate change can fuel wars – Economist

Energy & Environment News | Jun 11 2019
Credit: Panos

Research by affiliate Marshall Burke on how climate change can fuel conflict:

“On the outskirts of Baga Sola, a small town in Chad not far from the border with Nigeria, is a refugee camp called Dar es Salaam. The name means “haven of peace”, but the surrounding area is an inferno of war, spilling across the borders of four countries: Chad, Nigeria, Niger and Cameroon. Some 2.4m people have been forced to flee the fighting.

The most obvious cause of their suffering is ideological. The jihadists of Boko Haram want to establish a caliphate, snuffing out such sins as Western-style education and imposing a harsh form of sharia (Islamic law) as the sole system of government. To this end, they torch villages, behead aid-workers and enslave or strap bombs to young girls.” 

See more: : How climate change can fuel wars – Heating up



Conflict & Security



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