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CEGA is always looking for motivated people who bring diverse experience and new ideas to our team. Positions range from project management and policy outreach, to data analysis and finance & administration.

The Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) seeks a motivated Program Manager to support our flagship research transparency initiative, the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS), and related activities. This is an opportunity for candidates who are passionate about...

CEGA seeks an outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar (postdoc) to support the creation of the Impact Data and Evidence Aggregation Library (IDEAL)—a fully open-access library where users can search, compare, and visualize relative effect sizes from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on a range of...

UC Berkeley seeks a motivated lead research manager to manage implementation and evaluation of a USAID-funded project addressing seasonal hunger through a planning intervention in...

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