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Coronavirus Lockdown Reduced Pollution, Saved Lives | Forbes

Energy & Environment News | Mar 19 2020

Forbes covers a new study by affiliate Marshall Burke, showing that the coronavirus lockdown in China reduced pollution and likely saved lives.

“China’s coronavirus lockdown likely saved tens of thousands of lives of children and the elderly by slashing air pollution from factories and vehicles, according to a new analysis by a Stanford University scientist.

Earth Systems Professor Marshall Burke used data from U.S. government sensors in four Chinese cities to measure levels of PM2.5, the tiny particulate matter considered the primary cause of death from air pollution. He averaged the drop in pollution levels and calculated the subsequent effect on mortality nationwide.

Two months of pollution reduction “likely has saved the lives of 4,000 kids under 5 and 73,000 adults over 70 in China,” he writes on G-Feed, a blog maintained by seven scientists working on Global Food, Environment and Economic Dynamics.”

Source: Study: Coronavirus Lockdown Likely Saved 77,000 Lives In China Just By Reducing Pollution

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