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Pacific Conference for Development Economics (PacDev) 2013

The 2013 Pacific Conference on Development Economics (Pac-Dev) was held on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at San Francisco State University.

Pac-Dev was presented by the Bay Area Development Association, with sessions chaired by faculty from UC Berkeley, Stanford University, UC Davis, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, University of Southern California, University of San Francisco, St. Mary’s College, Santa Clara University, and San Francisco State University. CEGA served as an institutional home for the conference.  The goal of Pac-Dev was to bring together graduate students, faculty and practitioners to present and discuss various issues facing developing economies.


Each paper was allotted 15 minutes.  Each session had 15 minutes reserved for discussion at the end.

PacDev 2013 Program

8-8:45 am (HSS 142) Registration & Coffee
8:45-10:15 am Session 1
Session 1A (HSS 101) Programs and Household Behavior
“Got Milk? The Impact of Heifer International’s Livestock Donation Programs in Rwanda” RosemaryRawlins, Svetlana Pimkina
(US Department of Health and Human Services)
“How does improving access to rural water supply change household time use in Ethiopia?” Joseph Cook
“Learning About Electricity: Demand for Formal and Informal Electric Connections in El Salvador” Manuel Barron
(UC Berkeley)
“Remittances and Measurement Error: Evidence from India” Randall Akee
“The Dirty Business of Open Defecation: Lessons from a Sanitation Intervention” Manisha Shah
Session 1B (HSS 102) Child Schooling
“A vaccination for education – the ICDS and the education of older girls in rural India” Monica Jain
“Bridging the Gender Gap in Developing Country Education: The Role of Female Teachers” Karthik Muralidharan
“Cycling to School: Increasing Secondary School Enrollment for Girls in India” Karthik Muralidharan
“Like Father, Like Son? Intergenerational Education Mobility in India” Mehtabul Azam
(Oklahoma State)
Session 1C (HSS 104) Trade, Growth and Development
“Business Cycle Accounting of the BRIC Economies” Suparna Chakraborty
“Colonial Investments and Long-Term Development in Africa: Evidence from Ghanaian Railroads” Alexander Moradi
“The global convergence of income distribution” John Gallup
(Portland State)
“Urbanization without Structural Transformation: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa” Remi Jedwab
(George Washington)
“What Drives Free Trade with the Developing World?  Analyzing Congressional Voting on Trade Agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea” John Dellipriscoli
Session 1D (HSS107) Experimental
“A Laboratory Test of the Resource Curse Hypothesis” John Lynham
(Hawaii, Stanford)
“Conditional Cash Transfers and Civil Conflict: Experimental Evidence from the Philippines” Benjamin Crost
(CU Denver)
“Self-Control in Teams: Evidence from a Field Experiment of Commitment Contracts and Team Incentives for Smoking Cessation” Justin White
(UC Berkeley)
“The Effects of Savings on Risk-Taking and Intertemporal Choice Behavior: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment” Leandro Carvalho
Session 1E (HSS 151) Health
“Nudging to Use: Achieving Safe Water Behaviors in Kenya and Bangladesh” David Levine
(UC Berkeley)
“Paying for Performance When Health Care Production is Multi-Dimensional: The Impact of Rwanda’s National Program on Rewarded Services, Multitasking and Health Outcomes” Manoi Mohanan
“The Consumption Smoothing Benefits of Health Insurance:  Evidence from the Mexican Health Care Evaluation” Heidi Schramm
“The Effectiveness of Environmental Alerts: Evidence from Santiago, Chile” Jamie Mullins
10:15-10:45 am Coffee Break
10:45 am-12 pm Session 2
Session 2A (HSS 101)     HIV
““Rational Fatalism”: Non-Monotonic Choices in Response to Risk “ Jason Kerwin
“Corruption and the Impact of Imported Antiretroviral Drugs in Averting HIV Deaths” Willa Friedman
(UC Berkeley)
“Fertility Responses to Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV” Nicholas Wilson
(Williams College, UC Berkeley)
“Parental Health, Child Labor and Schooling Outcomes: Evidence from Tanzania” Shamma Alam
Session 2B (HSS 102) Early Exposure and Later Life Outcomes
“Can the Major Public Works Policy Buffer Negative Shocks in Early Childhood? Evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India” Aparajita Dasgupta
(UC Riverside)
“Heat Waves at Conception and Later Life Outcomes” Joshua Wilde
(South Florida)
“Long Term Consequences of Early Life Health Shocks: Evidence from the 1980s Peruvian Crisis” Federico Gutierrez

The Persistent Effects of in Utero Nutrition Shocks over the Life Cycle: Evidence from Ramadan Fasting in Indonesia”

Muhammad Majid
(UC Riverside)
Session 2C (HSS 104) Agricultural Economics
“Farmer Crop Choice and Short-Run Weather Expectations” Benjamin Miller
“Flood-tolerant rice expected to decrease yield variability, especially for socially disadvantaged groups in India” Kyle Emerick
(UC Berkeley)
“The Impact of Insurance Provision on Households’ Production and Financial Decisions” Jing Cai
Session 2D (HSS 107) Impact of Cash Transfers
“Agricultural Spillover Effects of Cash Transfers: What Does LEWIE Have to Say?” Mateusz Filipski
(UC Davis)
“Cash Transfers and Child Schooling: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation of the Role of Conditionality” Harounan Kazianga
(Oklahoma State)
“The impact of cash and food transfers: Evidence from a randomized intervention in Niger” Joanna Upton
Session 2E (HSS 151) Gender Differences
“Gender and Competition” Feven Wordofa
“Gender Differences in College Applications: Evidence from the Centralized system in Turkey” Perihan Ozge Saygin
“Oil and Female Labor Force Participation” Mahdi Majbouri
(Babson College)
“The Grammatical Origins of Gender Roles” Estefania Santacreu-Vasut
(ESSEC Business School, THEMA)
Session 2F (HSS 130) Corruption, Crime and Enforcement
“Factors Influencing The Propensity To Bribe And Size Of Informal Payments: Evidence From Formal Manufacturing Firms In Nigeria” Fola Malomo
“Regulated legalization when enforcement is corrupt” Alfredo Burlando
“The Impact of Crime on Trust in Institutions in Mexico” Luisa Blanco
(Pepperdine, RAND)
“The Political Economy of Health Worker Absence: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan” Michael Callen
1-2 pm (HSS 130) Plenary Session
“Understanding African Development: Trends and Prospects”
Robert Bates, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government Comparative, Harvard University
Edward Miguel, Oxfam Professor in Environmental and Resource Economics and Faculty Director, CEGA, University of California, Berkeley
2- 2:30 pm Break (refreshments available at various cafes and vending machines)
2:30- 3:45 pm Session 3
Session 3A (HSS 101) Financial Empowerment
“Business literacy and development: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in rural Mexico” Jesse Cunha
(Naval Postgraduate School, UCSC)
“Group lending with heterogeneous types” Manuel Hernandez
“Incentives and Support Groups to Improve Economic Conditions:  A Field Experiment in Medellin, Colombia “ Lauren Skora
“Women’s Empowerment, Gender Bias, and Susu Collection in Ghana” Kweku Opoku-Agyemang
Session 3B (HSS 102) Politics and Outcomes
“Ethnic Favoritism” Edward Miguel
(UC Berkeley)
“One Mandarin Benefits the Whole Clan: Hometown Favoritism in an Authoritarian Regime” Anh Tran
“Vote Suppression and Insecure Property Rights” Paul Castañeda-Dower
(SIEPR, Stanford, New Economic School)
Session 3C (HSS 104) Risk and Insurance
“Basis Risk and Compound-Risk Aversion: Evidence from a Willingness-to-Pay Experiment in Mali” Ghada Elabed
(UC Davis)
“Moral Hazard, Risks and Index Insurance in the Rural Credit Market: A Framed Field Experiment in China” Lan Cheng
(UC Davis)
“Risk and Economic Under-Specialization: Why the Pin-Maker Grows Cassava on the Side” Ajay Shenoy
Session 3D (HSS 107) Old Age Security
“Intergenerational Co-residence and Schooling” Anjini Kochar
“Marriage as Women’s Old Age Insurance: Evidence from Migration and Land Inheritance Practices in Rural Tanzania” Yuya Kudo
(Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO)
“Socio-economic and Gender Inequalities in Health Status, Health Access and Health Expenditures among Elderly in India” Anoshua Chaudhuri
“The Effects of a Non-Contributory Pension Program on Labor Force Participation: The Case of 70 y Mas in Mexico” Tobias Pfutze
(Oberlin College)
Session 3E (HSS 151) Drugs, Violence and Crime
“Guns and Butter? Fighting Violence with the Promise of Development” Gaurav Khanna
“Hate Crimes in India: An Economic Analysis of Violence and Atrocities against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes” Smriti Sharma
(Delhi School of Economics)
“Homicide and Work: The Impact of Mexico’s Drug War on Labor Market Participation” Sarah Pearlman
(Vassar College)
“Living on the Edge: Youth Entry, Career and Exit in Drug-Selling Gangs” Leandro Carvalho
3:45-4:15 pm Break
(refreshments available at various cafes and vending machines)
4:14- 5:15 pm Session 4
Session 4A (HSS 101) Family Planning and Fertility
“Consequences of withdrawal: Free condoms and birth rates in the Philippines” J.M. Ian Salas
(UC Irvine)
“Family Planning and Fertility: Estimating Program Effects using Cross-sectional Data” Claus Portner
(Seattle University)
“Family Planning Policy in China: Measurement and Impact on Fertility” Fei Wang
Session 4B (HSS 102) Technology Adoption
“Do Safety Nets Promote Technology Adoption? Panel Data Evidence from Ethiopia” Yonas Alem
(Gothenburg, UC Berkeley)
“Leveling with Friends: Social Networks and Indian Farmers’ Demand for Agricultural Custom Hire Services” Nicholas Magnan
“The Role of Price Information in Agricultural Markets: Experimental Evidence from Rural Peru” Eduardo Nakasone
(Maryland, IFPRI)
Session 4C (HSS 104) Firm Behavior
“Environmental Regulation and Industrial Performance: Evidence from Unexpected Externalities in China” Shinsuke Tanaka
“Why do Firms Hire Using Referrals?  Evidence from Bangladeshi Garment Factories” Rachel Heath
Session 4D (HSS 107) Marriage Market
“Lucky Late Bloomers: The Impact of Early Marriage on Adult Outcomes in Western Kenya” Daniel Hicks
“Male Earnings Inequality and the Age at Marriage of Women in India” Sinduja Srinivasan
Session 4E (HSS 151) Natural Disasters
“Destruction, Disinvestment, and Death: Economic and Human Losses Following Environmental Disaster” Jesse Anttila-Hughes
“Organization of Disaster Aid Delivery: Spending Your Donations” Yong Suk Lee
(Williams College)
“The Impact of Microinsurance on Asset Accumulation and Human Capital Investments: Evidence from a Drought in Kenya” Sarah Janzen
(UC Davis)