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Introducing USAID’s Education Cost Analysis Methods Course

The Costing Community of Practice (CCoP) Brown Bag Series invites stakeholders and a limited audience of between 20-50 individuals engaged in research and global development policy to hear presentations and discuss the latest research and innovations in the production and use of cost evidence.

In this Brown Bag Lunch, Elena Walls, Christine Harris-Van Keuren, and Emma Venetis will introduce USAID’s new training series on cost analysis in the education sector. The course aims to address costing knowledge gaps by giving researchers the tools they need to combine detailed cost data with impact evaluation to determine the cost effectiveness of education interventions. During the webinar, our guest speakers will give a high level overview of the structure and content of the training and highlight the target audience. We will also take a look at how CCoP members can help to promote the training in the costing space.

The format of the Brown Bag Series aims to facilitate an engaging and informal forum for the CCoP to engage with its community of partners and practitioners. Events will incorporate significant time for discussion to enable a smaller audience to provide feedback, ask questions, and discuss productive solutions and opportunities related to cost evidence.

Please email Kevin Conklin to be added to a brown bag lunch calendar invitation.