To achieve shared prosperity in the 21st century, workers need access to high-quality education, creative new job opportunities, and smart social safety nets.
Investments in human capital stretch across the lifespan—from early child development and school-based learning, to vocational training and job assistance. These investments consume a massive share of the public spend in most developing countries, often with disappointing outcomes. At the same time, labor markets are being radically transformed by advances in technology—from online job portals that reduce search costs, to new forms of automation and the rise of the gig economy. CEGA’s approach to Work and Education is three-fold: 1) to identify cost-effective investments in human capital, including youth and adult education; 2) to expose innovative new streams of employment that are resilient to technological disruption, including through growth in small and medium enterprises; and 3) to partner with governments to build ecosystems, amenities, and regulatory frameworks that support the future of work. Running throughout this portfolio is a focus on technologies, and the ways that they can positively and negatively affect equitable growth.