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Making smart investments in clean energy can protect the environment while meeting rising global demand for power.

CEGA Work Sector - Energy & Environment


In the coming decades, the most rapid growth in population, economic activity, and energy demand is expected to come from low and middle-income countries. Meanwhile, much of the growth in energy demand is being met with technologies and practices that pollute the environment and exacerbate climate change. Currently, decisions about expanding electricity access, ensuring reliability, increasing energy efficiency, and promoting clean energy technologies are made without robust information about the potential social and economic impacts of those investments. CEGA affiliates bring expertise to bear in understanding how energy investments and policies can most effectively achieve development goals while minimizing environmental costs. Importantly, we are committed to engaging government and industry partners as active participants throughout the research process in order to increase ownership over research results and ultimately strengthen the link between evidence and policy.

  • Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) (supporter)
  • Oxford Policy Management
  • Energy Institute at Haas


Energy and Economic Growth

Energy and Economic Growth (EEG), an applied research program funded by the UK government through UK Aid and in partnership with Oxford Policy Management, commissions rigorous research exploring how investments in large-scale energy systems—including energy supply, regulation, efficiency, and clean energy technology—contribute to poverty reduction and economic growth in low-income...

Energy & Environment Research

Energy & EnvironmentHealth & Psychology

Quantifying adoption barriers in mercury-free equipment among artisanal and small scale gold miners in Ghana

Chiman Cheung | Ghana
Global NetworksEnergy & Environment

Flooding the Mind: Flood shocks, aspiration, and labor supply in Nigeria

Abdulrasheed Isah | Nigeria
Energy & Environment

Solar Lantern Program: Sensitization and Willingness to Pay by Rural Households in Ghana

Prof. Hamdiyah Alhassan | Ghana
Energy & Environment

Impact of environmental, health, and safety sensitization on Liquefied Petroleum Gas usage in Ghana

Isaac Doku | Ghana
Energy & EnvironmentInstitutions & Governance

Consumer Theft Behavior and Service Provision: Evidence from the Electricity Market in Senegal

Abdoulaye Cisse | Senegal
Energy & Environment

Driving Greener Mobility

Robert Pickmans | Rwanda
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Energy & Environment Resources

Energy & Environment

Expectations and Adaptation to Environmental Threats

Working Paper   |   Energy & Environment
Energy & Environment

Searching for Customers, Finding Pollution

Working Paper   |   Energy & Environment
Energy & Environment

Forecasts: Consumption, Production, and Behavioral Responses

Working Paper   |   Energy & Environment
Energy & Environment

Money (Not) to Burn: Payments for Ecosystem Services to Reduce Crop Residue Burning

Working Paper   |   Energy & Environment
Global NetworksEnergy & Environment

Spring Cleaning: Results from a Randomized Evaluation of Source Water Quality Improvement

Research Publications   |   Energy & Environment
Global NetworksEnergy & Environment

African Borders as Sources of Natural Experiments

Research Publications   |   Energy & Environment
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