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Do Legs Matter?

Health & Psychology Rwanda

Women walking in Rwanda | vadim.nefedov via Adobe Stock

Policy Context

In lower income countries, people with disabilities have lower educational attainment, poor labor market outcomes, and are more likely to be in poverty. In Rwanda, 5% of the population is categorized as persons with disabilities. While the Government of Rwanda has made significant efforts to support this population, uptake of these services is extremely low. This research measures the effects of behavioral constraints on the adoption of low-cost prosthetic technologies by ultra-poor single leg amputees. Behavioral barriers, such as uncertainty and perceived costs versus returns, may be inhibiting individuals from adopting prosthetics.

Study Design

In a small randomized evaluation intervention of 130 individuals, randomly selected individuals will be provided with information about the availability of these technologies, a demonstration of the uses of the prosthetic, and/or a small incentive to adopt these technologies. After the intervention, adoption will be observed to test which constraints are inhibiting uptake. Findings will aid in understanding of economic returns to prosthetic and orthotic technologies in order to guide further investment.

Results and Policy Lessons

Understanding the economic returns to prosthetic and orthotic technologies is necessary for conducting a cost benefit analysis of investment in these technologies, which is important for governments in lower income countries with constrained budgets. Moreover, understanding constraints adoption of these technologies is necessary to design and scale programs to support people with physical disabilities in extreme poverty. Results forthcoming.


2015 — 2016

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