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Our Network

Our academic network includes more than 170 faculty, 85 scholars from low- and middle-income countries, and hundreds of graduate students from diverse academic disciplines around the world.

We support novel research collaborations between academics, practitioners, policymakers, and funders that produce rigorous evidence about what works to expand education, health, and economic opportunities for people living in poverty.

CEGA was established to generate more empirical research about the impacts of economic and social development programs, and to make sure those insights inform policymaker decisions. Central to CEGA’s approach is bringing ideas and techniques from a diverse set of academic disciplines—economics, psychology, computer science, engineering and more—and including more people with direct experience with the problems and solutions our work addresses.

Explore our interdisciplinary network of researchers, students, and advisors.

  • Faculty Affiliates

    CEGA’s network includes world-class university professors from multiple disciplines.
  • Fellows

    CEGA Fellows train at UC Berkeley, lead research projects, and institutionalize evidence-based policy-making in their home institutions.
  • Textiles on a line
  • Advisory Board

    CEGA is governed by an Advisory Board with expertise spanning academia, public policy, and the private sector.

CEGA’s top priority is to support research that policymakers can use to boost equitable growth and reduce poverty. We believe that drawing on a range of analytical approaches across disciplines is imperative to achieving this goal. CEGA researchers use rigorous field trials, behavioral experiments, machine learning and artificial intelligence, satellite and mobile phone data, and best practices for open science—to ensure that evidence informing critical decisions is appropriate and of the highest quality.

Programs like our Psychology and Economics of Poverty (PEP) initiative and our Development Impact Lab (DIL) merge insights from historically siloed disciplines, generating insights that more credibly capture experiences on the ground than more traditional, single disciplinary efforts. Our competitive research grants attract new interdisciplinary teams of researchers and partners in government, civil society, and philanthropy to design modern tools and techniques to solve long-standing problems.

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