2024 Fall Development Economics Challenge
The Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) is pleased to announce our Fall 2024 Development Economics Challenge Grants. CEGA has created four distinct applications for different eligibility groups.* Please select the application that aligns with your status:
- UC Berkeley PhD Candidates
- PhD candidates at CEGA-affiliated universities other than UC Berkeley
- Faculty awards at any CEGA-affiliated university
- Pharo Foundation awards to support work in Somaliland (All doctoral students and CEGA Faculty Affiliates at CEGA-affiliated universities are welcome to apply)
Researchers that have previously received CEGA funding are eligible for additional CEGA funding if they have completed requested retrospective surveys, interim and final reports, and other required deliverables.
Note: This call for applications is part of a repeating program to fund research across all three categories and there will be a similar RFP released in Spring 2025.
*You may apply to more than one RFP if you meet eligibility requirements. If you want to be considered for more than one opportunity, please make sure to submit separate applications for each.
University of California, Berkeley PhD Candidates
We offer two types of awards to support original research led by UC Berkeley PhD students. $100,000 will be made available for UCB PhD students in Fall 2024:
(1) travel grants up to $5,000 for scoping and/or short-term fieldwork;
(2) seed grants up to $20,000 for extensive, longer-term projects.
Proposed research must involve rigorous evaluation of programs or policies designed to alleviate poverty and promote social or economic development in low- and middle- income countries. Grant funds may be used to cover travel and lodging, data collection or access, data analysis, and related activities. Grants may not be used for researcher salaries nor for F&A/Overhead/Indirect Costs.
Researchers that have previously received CEGA funding are eligible for additional CEGA funding if they have completed requested retrospective surveys, interim and final reports, and other required deliverables.
Deadline: November 3, 2024 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time
Eligibility Criteria: Doctoral students at UC Berkeley can apply. Each application must include a nomination from a CEGA faculty affiliate sponsor. The nomination must be emailed to Sam Bordia (bordia@berkeley.edu) by the submission deadline (simply stating, “I have reviewed the proposed research and agree to nominate the applicant for this award” is adequate).
Application Process: Please download and complete the Application Form. Applications must include a proposal describing the research (no more than 2 pages) and a budget. All materials should be submitted in a single PDF file through our online portal, linked below.
Please email Sam Bordia (bordia@berkeley.edu) with any inquiries.
Submit Application Here
PhD Candidates at CEGA-Affiliated Universities NOT Berkeley
We will offer two types of awards to support original research led by PhD students at CEGA-affiliate universities* (not UCB). $100,000 will be made available for non-UCB PhD students in Fall 2024:
(1) travel grants up to $5,000 for scoping and/or short-term fieldwork;
(2) seed grants up to $20,000 for extensive, longer-term projects.
Proposed research must involve rigorous evaluation of programs or policies designed to alleviate poverty and promote social or economic development in low- and middle- income countries. Grant funds may be used to cover travel and lodging, data collection or access, data analysis, and related activities. Grants may not be used for researcher salaries nor for F&A/Overhead/Indirect Costs.
Researchers that have previously received CEGA funding are eligible for additional CEGA funding if they have completed requested retrospective surveys, interim and final reports, and other required deliverables.
Deadline: November 3, 2024 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time
Eligibility Criteria: Doctoral students at UC Berkeley can apply. Each application must include a nomination from a CEGA faculty affiliate sponsor. The nomination must be emailed to Sam Bordia (bordia@berkeley.edu) by the submission deadline (simply stating, “I have reviewed the proposed research and agree to nominate the applicant for this award” is adequate).
Application Process: Please download and complete the Application Form. Applications must include a proposal describing the research (no more than 2 pages) and a budget. All materials should be submitted in a single PDF file through our online portal, linked below.
Please email Sam Bordia (bordia@berkeley.edu) with any inquiries.
[button style=”orange” text=”Submit Application Here” url=”https://cega.submittable.com/submit/”]
*CEGA Affiliated Universities: University of California (Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego), California Institute of Technology, California Polytechnic State University, Claremont Graduate University, Loyola Marymount University, Oregon State University, Stanford University, University of British Columbia, University of Oregon, University of San Francisco, University of Southern California, University of Washington, Washington State University
Faculty at CEGA-Affiliated Universities
We will offer awards to support original research led by faculty at CEGA-Affiliated universities (Faculty Affiliate status for the main applicant is required). $60,000 will be made available for Faculty Affiliates in Fall 2024:
(1) Up to $20,000 for early-stage projects
Proposed research must involve rigorous evaluation of programs or policies designed to alleviate poverty and promote social or economic development in low- and middle- income countries. Grant funds may be used to cover travel and lodging, data collection or access, data analysis, and related activities. Grants may not be used for researcher salaries nor for F&A/Overhead/Indirect Costs.
Researchers that have previously received CEGA funding are eligible for additional CEGA funding if they have completed requested retrospective surveys, interim and final reports, and/or other required deliverables.
Deadline: November 3, 2024 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time
Eligibility Criteria: Faculty at CEGA-Affiliated universities.*
Application Process: Please complete the Application Form. Applications must include a proposal describing the research (no more than 2 pages) and a budget. All materials must be submitted in a single PDF file through the appropriate link at our online portal, Submittable.
Please email Sam Bordia (bordia@berkeley.edu) with any inquiries.
*CEGA Affiliated Universities: University of California (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego), California Institute of Technology, California Polytechnic State University, Claremont Graduate University, Loyola Marymount University, Oregon State University, Stanford University, University of British Columbia, University of Oregon, University of San Francisco, University of Southern California, University of Washington, Washington State University
[button style=”orange” text=”Submit Application Here” url=”https://cega.submittable.com/submit/”]
Pharo Foundation Awards to Support Work in Somaliland
We offer two types of awards to support original research in Somaliland. $50,000 will be made available to all PhD Students and Faculty Affiliates at CEGA-Affiliated campuses:
(1) travel grants up to $5,000 for scoping and/or short-term fieldwork;
(2) seed grants up to $20,000 for extensive, longer-term projects.
The Pharo Foundation has generously provided funds to support original research in Somaliland. Preference will be given to proposals examining research ideas that connect to existing Pharo Foundation programs or initiatives. Specifically, CEGA and the Pharo Foundation are eager to support evaluations examining access to safe water and labor productivity in Somaliland.
Proposed research must involve rigorous evaluation of programs or policies designed to alleviate poverty and promote social or economic development in low- and middle- income countries. Grant funds may be used to cover travel and lodging, data collection or access, data analysis, and related activities. Grants may not be used for researcher salaries nor for F&A/Overhead/Indirect Costs.
Researchers that have previously received CEGA funding are eligible for additional CEGA funding if they have completed requested retrospective surveys, interim and final reports, and other required deliverables.
Deadline: November 3, 2024 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time
Eligibility Criteria: Doctoral students at CEGA Affiliated universities* and CEGA Faculty Affiliates can apply. For doctoral students, each application must include a nomination from a CEGA faculty affiliate sponsor. The nomination must be emailed to Sam Bordia (bordia@berkeley.edu) by the submission deadline (simply stating, “I have reviewed the proposed research and agree to nominate the applicant for this award” is adequate).
Application Process: Please complete the Application Form. Applications must include a proposal describing the research (no more than 2 pages) and a budget. All materials must be submitted in a single PDF file through the appropriate link at our online portal, Submittable.
Please email Sam Bordia (bordia@berkeley.edu) with any inquiries.
*CEGA Affiliated Universities: University of California (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego), California Institute of Technology, California Polytechnic State University, Claremont Graduate University, Loyola Marymount University, Oregon State University, Stanford University, University of British Columbia, University of Oregon, University of San Francisco, University of Southern California, University of Washington, Washington State University
Submit Application Here