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Conflict & Governance

United Nations Mission in South Sudan

Effective public service delivery, citizen participation, and fair and transparent systems of governance are the building blocks of social and economic development.

Our portfolio of research on Conflict and Governance aims to improve the performance of governments, expand citizen participation in public decision-making, and empower communities affected by conflict and forced displacement. Increasingly, both public sector and community-based institutions are experimenting with strategies for reform, creating exciting opportunities for researchers to document what works and what doesn’t.

The portfolio includes studies of reforms designed to reduce corruption, inform and engage voters, and improve the well-being of displaced communities. We have active research initiatives on conflict and forced displacement. Our conflict work centers on policing and post-conflict stabilization, women’s contributions to peace and conflict, and the nexus of climate change and conflict.

CEGA also contributes to understanding how to best empower displaced communities so they can thrive in their host contexts. Governments face a variety of complex challenges responding to displacement crises – from establishing emergency health services and shelter, to providing mental health services, education, and economic opportunities for the newly displaced. Our studies generate insights from household surveys, administrative data, panel studies, and new digital data streams, often working in countries and contexts facing significant informational and resource constraints.

The latest evidence on forced displacement

Learn more about CEGA’s research portfolio on forced displacement.

Forced Displacement


  • Security Programs in Disordered States

    Security Programs in Disordered States will research how multi-actor security networks — formed from the bottom up — are reshaping global security.
  • Forced Displacement

    CEGA supplies evidence, insights, and tools needed to respond to the forced displacement crisis.
    Refugee and IDP Camps from Above
  • Economic Development and Institutions

    EDI builds the evidence base needed for inclusive and sustainable economic growth across low- and middle-income countries.
  • Conflict & Security

    CEGA’s Conflict and Security initiatives explores questions related to how countries achieve peace, stability, and security after conflict.

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