CEGA Research Retreat (R^2) 2016

The CEGA Research Retreat (R^2) is an annual gathering of invited faculty, staff and students from multiple CEGA campuses with a shared interest in impact evaluation. The purpose of R^2, which features presentations by CEGA-affiliated researchers and their collaborators, is to generate feedback for new and ongoing research, and to stimulate productive discussions among participants. Held in October 2016, the eigth annual R^2 featured presentations by five CEGA faculty and many engaging interactions among over 70 participants. The agenda for the event can be found below.
8:30am – Light breakfast and coffee/tea
9:00 am – Prashant Bharadwaj (UC San Diego)
“Displacement and Development: Partition of India and Agricultural Development”
10:00 am – Catherine Wolfram (UC Berkeley)
“Experimental Evidence on the Demand for and Costs of Rural Electrificationā€¯ (Kenya)
11:00 am – BREAK
11:30 am – Thad Dunning (UC Berkeley)
“Is Paying Taxes Habit Forming? Experimental Evidence from Uruguay”
12:30 pm – LUNCH
1:30 pm – Brian Dillon (University of Washington)
“Selling Low to Pay for School: A Large-Scale Natural Experiment in Malawi”
2:30 pm – Pascaline Dupas (Stanford University)
“Targeting Technology Adoption Subsidies: A Mechanism Design Approachā€¯ (Kenya)
3:30 pm – CEGA updates
4:15 pm – Reception