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Video: Day 2 | 2021 Africa Evidence Summit


The Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) catalyzes inclusive, innovative research to inspire social change. Over the past decade, CEGA’s East Africa Social Science Translation (EASST) Collaborative has linked early-career East African scholars, US-based scholars, and local policymakers to bolster evidence informed policy making in East Africa. EASST has hosted 8 Evidence Summits in East Africa and invested in the capacity of 34 talented East African scholars, who have trained over 1000 researchers, media practitioners and policymakers and formed the Network of Impact Evaluation Researchers in Africa (NIERA).

Recently, CEGA has expanded to begin working in West Africa, together with the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) on Development Impact West Africa (DIWA). EASST, in partnership with NIERA and DIWA, brought these networks together at the 2021 Africa Evidence Summit held on April 7-8, 2021. This online event showcased policy-relevant insights on poverty alleviation in East and West Africa from leading African and US-based researchers; and connected policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to discuss inclusion in global development research.

0:00 Panel – African led Impact Evaluation
1:14:16 Research Session 2
2:37:34 Lightning Talks – Gender & Education

For more information, see the event page.

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Global Networks