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CEGA Fellowship Program

Spring 2020 CEGA Fellows.

Maya Ranganath

The CEGA Fellowship program invests directly in cultivating the talents of early career African researchers by providing residential and non-residential impact evaluation fellowships. Since its inception in 2011, the CEGA fellowship program has trained 82 fellows across East and West Africa. Fellows access faculty and PhD student mentors, research funding, and “catalyst” grants to support fellows to institutionalize their learnings when they return. The program further helps to disseminate research to policy-makers through annual evidence summits and government involvement in funded research.

About the CEGA Fellowship

The CEGA Fellowship Program seeks to equip early-career African social scientists with the skills needed to carry out rigorous evaluations of economic development programs by providing resident and non-resident fellowships. Since launching in 2011, the CEGA Fellowship Program has hosted a network of 82 low-and middle-income country (LMIC) scholars who influence decision-making in their home regions.

Fellows access faculty and PhD student peer mentors, research funding, and “catalyst” grants to support fellows to institutionalize their learnings when they return. The program further helps to disseminate research to policy-makers through annual evidence summits and government involvement in funded research.

In the short-term, the Fellowship seeks to build regional leadership in the generation of rigorous, policy-relevant social science research. In the long-term, the network seeks to increase the use of high-quality evidence in the design of social policies, programs, and institutions throughout the East and West African region (Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi, South Sudan, Uganda, the Gambia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte D’Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Somalia, and Cameroon).

Funding Research & Policy Engagement

The CEGA Fellowship also competitively awards research grants to stimulate joint research projects between East and West African Researchers and CEGA faculty, and contribute to the evidence base for development in the regions. The program also awards Policy and Partnership Grants to fellows to facilitate their involvement with scale-up activities, policy convenings, or the creation of working relationships with relevant stakeholders to expand the reach of evidence generated by impact evaluations.

Annual Africa Evidence Summit Summit

The Africa Evidence Summit is an annual in-person gathering that brings together East and West African scholars, global faculty, and policymakers and practitioners to discuss the latest research findings on economic development and poverty alleviation on the continent. The Summit also promotes new ways to integrate evidence into decision-making, elevates African scholarship, and seeds new South-South and North-South collaborations. Affirming the demand for more rigorous and locally-led evidence on what works to combat poverty, this year’s Summit convened nearly 400 researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from across Africa and around the world.

Resident and Non-Resident Fellowship Roadmap:

  • Nov                          Release of Request for Applications
  • Mid-Jan                         Application deadline
  • Mid-March                            Notification of final selections
  • Aug-Nov                             Fall Non-Resident Fellowship
  • end of Aug-mid Dec          Fall Semester Fellowship  (Berkeley)
  • mid Jan-mid May               Spring Semester Fellowship (Berkeley)
  • mid Sept–early Dec           Fall Quarter Fellowship (Northwestern)

Which model is the best fit for me?

While both the Resident and Non-resident fellowships will both offer opportunities to forge networks with scholars in the same field and expand their research capacity, each has its unique benefits.

If you are seeking an immersive learning experience and would like to commit to a semester or quarter of in-person engagement, our Resident Fellowship might be the right option for you. Resident fellows will have the opportunity to join a wide variety of seminars, workshops, and networking events that Berkeley and Northwestern University have to offer. This is an intensive in-person fellowship and most resident fellows will spend at least 8 hours per day, engaged in research, attending courses and seminars, networking, and studying. It is therefore important to limit work engagements back home during the fellowship.

On the other hand, long travel and time away from home are not suitable for all. If you have an engagement at home or at work (i.e. are not able to take a full sabbatical or childcare responsibilities), our Non-Resident Fellowship might be a more flexible option for you. Without having to worry about extensive planning to leave your home for a long period, our online mentorship and extensive virtual opportunities will provide you with plenty of avenues to connect with relevant training and faculty. This is a rigorous remote fellowship and will take a commitment of 15-20 hours of work per week, although we are flexible on accommodating each fellow’s needs. With the follow-up activities provided, you’ll still have ample opportunities for in-person engagement after the successful completion of the remote fellowship.



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