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Reintroducing CEGA: Our New Website

The Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) is a hub for research, training, and innovation based at the University of California, Berkeley. CEGA generates insights that leaders can use to improve policies, programs, and people’s lives. Eeman Abbasi, Communications & Events Manager, introduces CEGA’s new website and outlines key features.

For over fifteen years, CEGA has championed evidence-driven solutions to global challenges. We’ve supported hundreds of research studies in areas of work that include food security, cash targeting for COVID relief, agency, and access to credit — all to address people’s most critical needs. 

Still, generating rigorous evidence is just the first step to tackling overlapping global crises. Innovative insights on topics including gender equity, climate change, and forced displacement must reach those best-placed to drive development and policy decisions, affirming CEGA’s commitment to put evidence into action. 

With this in mind, we’re excited to unveil our new website, which we hope will inspire new research collaborations, connect decision-makers with cutting-edge evidence, and showcase how rigorous research can drive positive global change. Our redesigned website includes new features that will make it easier to engage with the insights, tools, and data needed to champion evidence-backed solutions for development and humanitarian challenges.

To maximize engagement with CEGA research, we thought deliberately about the end users who put our evidence into action. We’ve introduced new sections on the site, outlined below, that reflect who our work best serves. 



CEGA is proud to have 173 affiliated researchers across 15 disciplines at 36 universities and to have hosted 86 researchers from 15 low and middle-income countries (LMICs) at UC Berkeley for fellowships focusing on impact evaluation methods. We host annual funding competitions for graduate students to seed their interest and impact in development economics. 

Our expansive network of academics forward our research agendas and steward relationships with implementing partners and decision makers. CEGA supports their work by facilitating access to competitive funding, connections to decision makers and potential collaborators, and dissemination activities. Our updated website reflects the suite of services CEGA provides its network of researchers, including an easier-than-ever way of finding all of our active RFPs. Visitors can also browse our list of affiliated faculty by research interest, country, and more. 

As part of CEGA’s commitment to research transparency and reproducibility, we encourage our fundees to make their datasets publicly available. The Resources section of our website includes access to datasets, toolkits, publications, and working papers from our largest projects, plus summaries of all of the research projects we’ve ever funded.



CEGA’s rigorous research is made more impactful through the important work of our partners. We nurture relationships with policymakers in the US and in countries in which we conduct research to help them institutionalize the use of evidence. We work closely with our affiliated researchers to make their work more accessible to implementing partners, who scale successful interventions into new contexts. External organizations can also use the CEGA network to conduct evaluations of their own work. 

Potential partners can use our new research collaboration form to learn more about how best to engage with CEGA’s services and products, including bespoke services tailored to their needs. Our website also facilitates easy perusal of CEGA’s research projects by Area of Work and country, enabling partners to filter for that which is most relevant to their work. 



CEGA’s commitment to putting evidence into action is facilitated by our dissemination and communication activities. We help our network of researchers make their work accessible with the goal to reach widespread decision makers. We do this through producing a suite of products, including policy reports, impact stories, and blogs – the latter of which are now newly available on our website. 

The website’s new press section provides external outlets with our brand guidelines, primers about CEGA, suggested experts to consult for testimonials, and more. Our News section includes all of our press releases and media mentions, the fastest way for journalists to learn about the newest and hottest CEGA activities – all with the intention of further amplifying our impact. 



None of CEGA’s work would be possible without the generous support of our funders. Our funders come from diverse backgrounds, while reflecting our commitment to open research methods, inclusion in development, and putting evidence into action. They help us seed research projects that go on to improve health for millions of mothers, bolster support for millions of refugees, and more. 

While millions worldwide continue to experience poverty, budgets for development programs are increasingly shrinking. CEGA can help funders shape their investment strategies, assess the cost-effectiveness of global programs, and partner on learning agendas. Interested funders can learn more about CEGA’s network and our work by exploring our Areas of Work

The support of CEGA’s donors helps us achieve our mission of using new insights and tools to improve the lives of millions worldwide.


Areas of work