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CEGA Day 2010: Innovating for the Poor – New Directions in Financial Services and Labor Markets

Conference   |  past event  |  Oct 29 2010

2nd Annual CEGA Day:  Innovating for the Poor – New Directions in Financial Services and Labor Markets.  CEGA Faculty Affiliates presented their latest work on micro-insurance and savings, education, and human capital development to practitioners and graduate students.


10:30 am – Introduction to CEGA

  • Executive Director, Dr. Temina Madon, UC Berkeley

11:00 am – Long-term Benefits of Child Health Investments

  • Faculty Director, Professor Edward Miguel, UC Berkeley

11:30 am – New Financial Services for Developing Markets

  • Professor Craig McIntosh, UC San Diego
  • For more information on the projects mentioned in Craig’s presentation, please visit:
  1. Interlinked Micro-insurance in Ethiopia:
  2. Micro-insurance in China:,
  3. Savings Services in Rural Kenya:
  4. Savings for Guatemalan Small-business Owners:

12:30 pm – Lunch
1:30 pm – Achieving Universal Quality Primary Education in India

  • Professor Karthik Muralidharan, UC San Diego
  1. “Teacher Absence in India: A Snapshot.” (May 2005) Karthik Muralidharan with Michael Kremer, Nazmul Chaudhury, F. Halsey Rogers, and Jeffrey Hammer.
  2. “Teacher Performance Pay: Experimental Evidence from India.” (September 2009) Karthik Muralidharan with Venkatesh Sundararaman.
  3. “The Impact of Diagnostic Feedback to Teachers on Student Learning: Experimental Evidence from India.” (February 2010) Karthik Muralidharan with Venkatesh Sundararaman.
  4. “Contract Teachers: Experimental Evidence from India.” (May 2010) Karthik Muralidharan with Venkatesh Sundararaman.
  5. “When Can School Inputs Improve Test Scores?” (October 2010) Karthik Muralidharan with Jishnu Das, Stefan Dercon, James Habyarimana, Pramila Krishnan, and Venkatesh Sundararaman.

2:45 pm – Coffee Break
3:15 pm – Who Gets the Job Referral? Social Networks in India


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This is a past event.

Get to know the speakers

Edward Miguel
UC Berkeley
Karthik Muralidharan
UC San Diego
Jeremy Magruder
UC Berkeley
Temina Madon
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