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This is an internal page for CEGA faculty affiliates. It should answer many of your questions about what it means to be an affiliate, how one becomes an affiliate, and how to get the most out of your CEGA affiliation. If you have additional questions, please contact Lauren Russell, CEGA’s Director of Operations, at


Q: What does it mean to be a CEGA faculty affiliate?

CEGA faculty affiliates are academic researchers that CEGA has formally invited to become a part of our network. Affiliates are faculty members at universities along the West Coast of North America (United States and Canada) who conduct rigorous impact evaluations in international development. Faculty hail from multiple disciplines, including economics, agricultural & resource economics, public policy, public health, political science, psychology, business, engineering, computer science, and information. See here for a current list of CEGA affiliates.


Q: How does one become a faculty affiliate?

Twice per year, CEGA invites current faculty affiliates to nominate new affiliates. Nominations are reviewed by a Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) consisting of Faculty Directors Ted Miguel and Josh Blumenstock, CEGA’s Executive Director, and faculty leads of major CEGA research initiatives (otherwise known as “Scientific Directors”). To be approved, nominees must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Completed a Ph.D. at least one year prior to nomination.
  2. Currently affiliated with an academic unit at a university in California, Oregon, Washington, or British Columbia.
  3. Strong commitment to empirical research on social and economic development, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. In particular, the nominee should: (a) conduct field work involving micro-level data in developing countries, or work with governments to access existing micro-data; and (b) have consistently demonstrated technical rigor in prior empirical research; and (c) have an original research article from a rigorous, policy-relevant impact evaluation published (or forthcoming) in a leading peer-reviewed journal.
  4. Demonstrated interest in joining the CEGA network (by attending events, communicating and collaborating with staff, etc.) and willingness to serve as good citizens of CEGA once accepted. This includes willingness and desire to actively participate in policymaker outreach, events including conferences, training courses or workshops, and peer-review for grant programs managed by CEGA.

Nominees are not contacted or made aware of their nominations until they are formally approved. New CEGA affiliates will receive a signed letter granting them a five-year renewable term, after which the FAC will review the affiliate’s research record and renew if the affiliation criteria are still met. New affiliates are invited to join an onboarding phone call with a CEGA program manager working in one of their areas of interest.


Q: What are the benefits of CEGA affiliation?

Being a CEGA affiliate confers a number of benefits to faculty including:


Leadership Development 

Dissemination and Partnerships


Q: What does CEGA expect of our affiliates?


Q: What does it mean to lead a CEGA initiative?

CEGA builds portfolios of research organized by sector or theme. These, in turn, house coordinated research initiatives — such as the Agriculture Technology Adoption Initiative (ATAI), the Digital Credit Observatory (DCO), and the East Africa Social Science Translation (EASST) Collaborative, among others — that address specific, policy-relevant questions. CEGA initiatives are funded by government agencies, private foundations, and philanthropists.

Faculty leadership is critical to the success of CEGA’s research initiatives. Affiliates who provide intellectual vision, contacts, and expertise to the design and implementation of initiatives are called “Scientific Directors” (see Guidance to CEGA Scientific Directors for more information).

If you are interested in leading a CEGA research initiative, or have an idea for a new initiative, please reach out to us and we’d be happy to brainstorm with you.


Q: What makes CEGA unique?

CEGA exists within an ecosystem of research organizations–including J-PAL, IPA, 3ie, IDInsight, and others–that have similar objectives. Our “sister centers” differ slightly in approach and funding structure but have mutually shared goals and frequently collaborate with us. So what makes CEGA different?


Q: What is CEGA’s organizational structure?

CEGA is governed by two Faculty Directors (Edward Miguel and Joshua Blumenstock), an Executive Director (Carson Christiano), and a Director of Operations (Lauren Russell). The Center receives strategic input from a 6-8 member Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) as well as a 10-12 member external Advisory Board. Each sector, program or theme is run by a Program Manager, often with the support of a Program Associate. We often hire Postdoctoral Scholars, Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs), and interns to carry out special projects. A centralized Operations team provides support on matters related to financial management, HR, events, and communications across the Center. Please reference our Organizational Chart and our staff page for more information.


Resources for Affiliates

CEGA Presentation Templates (We have powerpoint, latex, and google slides)

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